... emptied (where all else flow).

Episode 141 (09/18/21): Growing up, my grandmother used to put together big diners for our big family gatherings. As I look back on these dinners, I remember many, many times, where my dad would PLEED with her that instead of feeling the need to constantly serve, for her to instead just be present with us. Though I remember finding it funny to see her laugh away my father’s requests back then, I find different emotions come to me now.

My grandmother passed away many, many years ago… and what grieves my heart the most, is that even though I remember many of the dinners that we shared as a family…

… I don’t remember much of her.

In the tension of busyness and rest, it’s so hard to know what the greatest need truly is. In a life where we long for and resent both, join us as we look at Jesus’ interaction with two sisters in Luke 10. Join us as we strive to understand how to navigate both the busyness, and the rest, that every day can bring…

Heavy heart, you are not alone.
You are NOT alone.

Music referenced in this episode:
Audrey Assad, "Lament"
(From the album: Heart)

Jonah FairComment