Innocent & Dependent

Episode 153 (1/12/22): Regardless of our upbringing, there was someone in our lives who clothed and fed us when we were not able to. From the fragility and dependence that a child naturally has for their caretaker or parent… to the prideful refusal of the same Creator, Savior, and Sustainer who has been involved in every aspect of this fragile life that we call our own... it’s mind boggling how quickly we can forget where we come from.

When the chaos of life reminds us how small we really are… and when our circumstances tempt us to believe that our God is even smaller… heavy heart, though we are small, our God is not… you are not abandoned... and you are loved so much more than we could ever fathom. May the words of today’s episode wash over… and through us, today.

Music referenced in this episode:
Andrew Osenga, "Swing Wide the Glimmering Gates"
(From the album: Choosing Sides)

Jonah FairComment